Not only did she cry enough to fill a bathtub, but the men were at it too. My only gripe was Matilde's constant snivelling got on my nerves. Matilde is a distinguished young lady, an aristocrat educated under the strict moral norms of the epoch. It had everything, beautiful women, handsome men, passionate love, intrigue, scheming, power grabs, gorgeous settings, cheating, star-crossed lovers, family loyalties, family secrets, a revolution - a real feast for the eyes, and for one who lives in the US, a refreshing change to see the way the Mexicans see themselves rather than the caricatures usually portrayed by Hollywood films.
This show was one of the most spectacular romantic series every. 95 episodes, minus commercials and chapter bookends last about 35 minutes each, which adds up to slightly over 55 1/2 hours, which would fit on 10 DVD's, or even 5 double sided.
I can only hope that the show will be repeated in full some time in the near future so that I can tape every episode, or that an extended version could be brought out on DVD. The extras showed the enormous effort which had gone into making the show, the HUGE cast, thousands of period costumes, and a specially built set which would make a "Colonial Mexico" them park. This show was FAR too good to throw away in a four hour version. If only the copious extras had included a full synopsis and character biography list. the liberated woman who dressed as a man did not appear until she proposed to Renato Piquet (who was Renato anyway?). Some characters popped up without any explanation: e.g. Had I not seen the last part in full, I would never had known what was going on. Sadly, the DVD was more like watching a one hour season recap of LOST without the explanatory pop ups. As I tuned in about three quarters of the way through the episodes, I purchased the DVD with English subtitles so that I could fill in the episodes I missed and figure out who was who. To Matilde will come the repudiation of her husband, the expulsion from her home, and the public shame because she is pregnant and Manuel doesn't want to recognize his child.Although I don't speak Spanish, with the aid of close captions and a dictionary I was able to follow much of it.

The hapiness of Matilde and Manuel shall last very little, especially when the doctor discovers that his administrator is his wife's ex-boyfriend. Grudgingly, Matilde has discovered that her husband has many virtues and she finally falls in love with him. Adolfo, under another identity, gets to the ranch and is hired by Manuel to be the administrator of Manuel's two ranches, and Manuel gives him all of his confidence. She decides to abandon him that same day of the wedding, but Manuel discovers her and takes her by the force to his ranch where he subjects her to all types of physical and moral vexations. Unhappy in her marriage, Matilde continues her romance with Adolfo, creating a triangle that threatens everyone involved, including Matildes unborn child.While. But Matilde discovers the trap that her family had put on her, and suspects that her husband had something to do with it. Adolfo escapes from jail, but not in time to prevent the wedding. Now Augusta obligates her daughter to get married to Manuel. Augusta, the mother of Matilde, has Adolfo put in jail, and Humberto, Matilde's brother, contracts a woman to fake to being Adolfo's in front of Matilde. Manuel, and Matilde's family ignore that she is compromised in secret to a military official by the name of Adolfo Solis. His election falls on Matilde Penalver y Beristain, daughter of an aristocratic family but that has come to less.

Now turned into a millionaire gentleman, the doctor looks for an appropriate wife. Manuel Fuentes Guerra inherits a fortune of his father, whom never wanted to recognize him as his son.