Dragging stuff between apps? Tap the “fn” key and HazeOver will gracefully fade out.Keep separate dimming settings for Dark and Light modes.Toggle the shade with a keyboard shortcut or adjust the intensity with a gesture.Desktop is automatically revealed when used.The developer’s privacy policy can be found here. The site version only periodically connects to the Internet to check for updates, which involved submitting app version information. The App Store and Setapp versions do not connect to the Internet at all. Ananov verified this by saying that the app does not upload any user information. According to the App Store, Data is Not Collected by the app. It is listed in the Productivity category on the App Store.

HazeOver is a lightweight app and only takes up 2.3 MB of space. At this point in time, the HazeOver has been completely re-written in Swift. In 2015, Ananov began rebuilding HazeOver using Swift and updated the app to include the Dimmer knob interface.
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Initially, he planned for it to be a Windows utility, but he started learning to program for iPhone and Mac so he ended up making it a Mac-only app written in Objective-C. HazeOver is the creation of developer Maxim Ananov who originally had the idea for the app in 2007 even though development didn’t start until 2011. The app prevents users from getting overwhelmed with keeping too many windows open – especially if you have a large monitor where activating full-screen mode is not really a suitable option. The default color is black, but users have the option to change the overlay to any color they wish. HazeOver helps users spend less time managing their open windows by essentially pushing them into the background with a colored overlay. This action causes the main window you are working in to be highlighted when the rest of the screen dims. The app helps to reduce and even eliminate distractions caused by active windows on your computer by dimming the screen over your background windows. HazeOver is labeled as a ‘distraction dimmer’ in the App Store.